Thursday, December 28, 2006

Already-Not Yet

I know that the phrase "my students" sounds possessive, maybe even elitist or vain. Sometimes I actually feel bad calling myself a teacher, as I learn as much from "my students" as they do from me. I love the diversity found among seminary students. I've been privileged to facilitate classes where students from both Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, China and other parts of Asia and Africa all shared together in the theological educational process.

One comment, from a former student, asks if the blog is for former students as well as present ones. I'm thrilled that those who've moved on would want to participate in the conversation! It is so distressing to go to McKay's and find books I've used as textbooks on the shelf! I really want to believe that the conversation goes on. So...yes, survivors are welcome! Those who've already obtained completion of the seminary program, and those who've not obtained it all!

By the way, the action should pick up on this blog once the January and Spring semesters begin!

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