Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mel Robeck

This week, Cecil "Mel" Robeck, visited Cleveland, lecturing in the D.Min. course at the Seminary, delivering the second annual Azusa Lecture (sponsored by the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center) and preaching in chapel. The lecture focused on the "People of Azusa", hi-lighting the diversity found at the revival as well as the extraordinary depth of the testimonies and commitment of these saints. Mel preached on worship in chapel on Thursday, taking his text from the book of Revelation.

I was privileged to be able to talk with Mel at length about his work in ecumenics and on Wednesday at an informal lunch with faculty he shared the story of his work in this area.

For some, it may seem unlikely that one could specialize in two areas as seemingly different as the Azusa Street revival and ecumenics, but Mel shared that his journey began in a very pentecostal way...with a vision of Jesus giving him the commission to work in ecumenical dialogue. That visionary experience and call has sustained him through the misunderstanding and criticism of his colleagues as well as his denominational leaders (AG).

By the way...Mel's picture has been listed on a webpage of the "Antichrist Family Photo Album"

1 comment:

Corky Alexander said...

The family album was radical.